November 4, 2008

Were you as insulted as I was that Governor Sarah Palin was selected as the Vice-Presidential candidate in the U.S. 2008 presidential race?

Just another pretty face?
Gosh, just a regular person?
And she thinks she’ll help break the glass ceiling for women?

Her lack of experience, her lack of curiosity, her lack of seriousness: I don’t want that aligned with women.
(By the way, I was for Hillary Rodham Clinton. An individual with extraordinary experience, seriousness, curiosity. And a woman. Because when more women are elected, women’s rights are treated like basic human rights. And good change happens for women. But not with the McCain / Palin ticket.)
I hope I get to think of new rants – not the U.S. government – soon.

Filed under: Social Commentary

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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