August 8, 2010

“Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license…. The evidence shows that Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constituion the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same-sex couples.”

What a fantastic result. What a well-reasoning judge. I agree absolutely: opposite-sex couples like Tom and me are not superior to same-sex couples.

Love is love. Care is care. Sexual orientation is like gender and race: you’re born with it. And who the hell should care one way or the other?

Yet another court has proclaimed what has been proclaimed in Iowa, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont: It’s unconstitutional to deny the right of people to marry. Too bad that voters in some states overturn court decisions. Voters have no right to make these decisions. Why? Because voters aren’t balanced like courts and legislators should be. Voters aren’t advanced thinkers like courts and elected officials should be.

Think back to the pre-Civil Rights era. Finally the U.S. Supreme Court decided It was unconstitutional — and allowed people to marry across racial lines. Too bad the U.S. Supreme Court hasn’t decided that it’s unconstitutional to deny same-sex couples the right to marry. But it will get to the U.S. Supreme Court eventually. And hopefully the wise women and the wise men on that court will overpower and outvote their conservative, self-righteous, bigoted counterparts on that court.

Filed under: Social Commentary

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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