January 27, 2015

Remember, I’m a curator. That’s why I write so many blogs with resources and research.

A curator wanders around and collects good stuff and then shares it with others.

ARTICLE: Competitive Positioning in the Social Sector: Why Knowing Your Competition Is Essential to Social Impact Success  (I don’t like the term “competition.” I actually disrespect it. Maybe the article could use “marketplace positioning instead?)

Here’s what Wikipedia says about curators and curating and curation: First, the word “curator” comes from the Latin, “curare” – which means “take care.” Of course, we mostly think of curators for museums or galleries or libraries or archives.

Here are some descriptors that I really like: Content / subject specialist. Interpretor of the material. Responsible for acquisitions.

ARTICLE: Nonprofit Map of Police Killings Could Aid Action Planning (Maybe the NRA could read this article. Maybe U.S. elected officials could build up their guts to actually do something big about gun control.)

Historian Elaine Gurian says that museums should operate so that “visitors could comfortably search for answers to their own questions regardless of the importance placed on such questions by others.”  Gurian’s approach is about curators facilitating and assisting, not just teaching.

I see myself as a curator. I read a lot. I have a huge library – both print and electronic. I read outside of the NGO sector and outside of fundraising and governance and planning. I collect information – and apply it. Gosh…I can even apply thoughts from romance novels, spy novels, and science fiction fantasy to work in the NGO sector and to life itself.

ARTICLE: Do Hospitals’ Religious Affiliations Affect Quality of Care? (Please please please tell me that this doesn’t happen, wouldn’t happen.)

I love finding information and sharing it with you. I love reacting to information and sharing my reactions with you. I love learning together.

And all these articles come from the same place! The Nonprofit Quarterly – print and daily online. www.nonprofitquarterly.org. I love this publication!! I subscribe. I give a contribution every year. I write for no pay.

Why? Because NPQ is a thinking person’s magazine. Not just tips… Actual analysis. Exploration. Strategic thinking.

Why: Because NPQ challenges the status quo. Asks tough questions. Writes about difficult issues.

Why: Because NPQ regularly writes about social justice – and its dominant partner, injustice.

Why: Because NPQ makes me think and then I combine their stuff and my stuff and look at other stuff — and all my work is better.

So sure, I’ll keep curating for you. And if you subscribe, we can curate together.

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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