January 5, 2015

Your reply device…your gift envelope…

Overhead when it’s good. Overhead when it’s bad. Sometimes one. Sometimes the other. 

Stop trying to get millennials to give. Just stop it! 

Making change. Making a difference. Or just saying you’re too old, or women can’t or it’s too hard or…

Focus on one person only in your storytelling…not more!!!

  • That Brooks blog again – with a special guest talking about nutty donors (For those of you who subscribe to Jeff’s FutureFundraisingNow Blog… I know you’re reading these. But there are too many people who don’t subscribe to the right stuff. (And, of course, there’s so much one could subscribe, too!) So I’m a curator. I’m making suggestions. And please send me what you think is great. I’ll make a note in my weekly blog and in my monthly e-news. And, we all have days when we just don’t read even our fans! Sometimes, I’m just too overwhelmed. So I like to collect fans in my blogs — for me and for you.

International Fundraising Conference – hosted by the Resource Alliance – is pretty darn cool.

  • The International Fundraising Congress (IFC) 2014 opening and closing plenaries were delivered by four outstanding speakers; Kumi Naidoo (Greenpeace International), Keith Jenkins (National Geographic), Beth Kanter (Networked Nonprofit), and Ben Rattray (change.org). Watch all four presentations in full.

Five personality traits that make a good charity leader. Check this out. Thanks to the Resource Alliance newsletter for this tip.

  • Geraldine Kilbride (director of our Future Leaders Programme), has written a great article for the Guardian Voluntary Sector Network, detailing five personality traits that make a good charity leader. Read the article.

The rant of the whiny donor

Start planning for next December!! Read this great Agitator blog about December videos. And subscribe so you can read them without my reminder!

Filed under: Resources / Research

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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