April 1, 2015

These are old favorites of mine. Perhaps you’re familiar with them. Maybe not.

2004 Barnard College Commencement Address by Barbara Ehrenreich
Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich’s writings on social justice – from her columns to her books – are valuable to us all. I recommend her books: Nickel and Dimed – On (Not) Getting By in America; Bait and Switched – The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream; and, This Land is Their Land: Reports from a Divided Nation. Such an old speech. Such old books. And now the situation is much worse, increasingly worse. Who are we as a country?

Bill Moyers on Health and Global Environment

Bill Moyers: Inequity Matters
Mr. Moyers reminds us that it’s important – from time to time – to remember that some things are worth getting mad about. Let’s get mad. Let’s fight together and make change. Still such a big deal. Who are we as a country?

Bill Moyers Progressive Speech
Pretty much anything by Bill Moyers is good. I once sat at a dinner table with him. He was the guest speaker. What a delight. But we’re fighting even more conservatism now. Who are we as a country?

Bill Moyers Speech, Take Back America
Mr. Moyers reminds us of what it should mean to be the United States of America. Let’s fight. Let’s embrace subversive acts and be the best that we can be. Let Bill Moyers inspire you. Still as true right now as when he made that speech. Who are we as a country?

The Soul of Environmentalism
This really interesting paper talks about equity (or the lack thereof) in the environmental movement. Still true. More on the radar screen of environmental organizations. Who are we as a country?

Filed under: Social Commentary

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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