April 29, 2009

Decision-making: I’m not a member of Rotary International. But someone shared with me the Rotary 4-way test. I believe this is a “test” that Rotary uses to make decisions. I think it’s great. Do you use it? Do I?

1st: Is it the truth?

2nd: Is it fair to all concerned?

3rd: Will it build good will and friendships?

4th: Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Micromanagement: I’ll bet we’ve all complained about micromanagement at times. “Drat, my boss micromanages me.” “Darn my board, it’s so into micromanagement!” The other day, someone told me: “You think micromanagement is bad, how about nanomanagement? That’s what I live with!” Oh my. What can I say?

Efficiency or effectiveness: How about this: Let’s shift from efficiency to effectiveness? So how do we define effectiveness in a particular area? And how do we measure it?

What’s your job? How do you describe what you do for a living? Not what’s your position title – but how do you describe what you do and why it matters? Maybe something like this: I help people and businesses fulfill their own aspirations by giving charitable gifts. I help donors live their dreams through the gifts they make.

Priceless: You know all those great ads that talk about what money can buy – and then end with something “priceless?” Think about your donors. What is their “money can’t buy it experience” with your organization? What if we asked our donors to share those stories with us?

Taboo: And here’s my final thought before I close the office for vacation – no weekly blogs for a bit of time: How did a taboo become a taboo? Who decided? And why did we go along with those deciders?

Filed under: Nonprofit Management

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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