February 8, 2013

Remember that pesky UnderDeveloped Report… A national study of challenges facing nonprofit fundraising. Did you read my 3-part blog posted in “Simone Uncensored” on January 19, 21, and 23

Wondering what to do about those problems identifed in that report? Check out this special UnderDeveloped Webinar Series. Join the national conversation! Hear ideas about how to respond. Add your comments. Invite your boss and board members to attend, too.

This 3-part webinar series will explore the root causes of chronically under-developed fundraising capacity among nonprofits from three perspectives – nonprofit leaders, consultants and capacity builders, and funders.

  • Part 1: What it Really Takes to Create a Culture of Philanthropy (March 6, 12pm – 2pm PST, $45) for executive directors, senior development staff, and board members
  • Part 2: First Do No Harm: Are Consultants Part of the Problem? (April 11, 12pm – 2pm, $45) for nonprofit capacity builders, consultants, and sector academics
  • Part 3: Investing in Grantee Fundraising Capacity, What Really Works? (date TBD, $45) for grantmakers and funders

These conversations – convened by CompassPoint, the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, and the Nonprofit Quarterly – will help develop a set of clear, nuanced, and actionable recommendations available for the entire sector. Register today!

And here are a few other resources for you:

— Check out the 2012 Atlas of Giving Report, highlighted by The Agitator in its post of February 5, 2013.

— Read this interesting finding from Case Western Reserve University… “We have a built-in neural constraint on our ability to be both empathetic and analytic at the same time.” In summary, “scientific accounts leave out the human touch.” Good fundraisers care about this neuroscience stuff. Mostly beware of the analytic type stuff. Pay attention to the emotions. Hey, do you read neurosciencemarketing.com? Check it out. Subscribe for free.

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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