June 23, 2013

I’m in Paris presenting at the French fundraising conference hosted by l’Association Française des Fundraisers. But first, I went to l’Orangerie and saw the Monet water lilies. In all my visits to Paris, this is the first time I’ve viewed them. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

If I were really creative, I suppose I could figure out a way to link Monet’s repeated paintings of water lilies into some ode to loyalty. Obviously, Monet was loyal to his water lilies. But it’s a stretch to make a good fundraising metaphor out of the paintings.

However, we could think about raising money for important causes, like museums that preserve and show important works of art. And theatre that curates Shakespeare and features new plays, too. And universities that operate great international programs, exposing their students to other worlds. Worthy causes. Committed donors.

And it’s the fundraiser’s job – and the organization’s honor – to build loyalty, retain donors, and demonstrate the donor’s impact.

Effective donor-centered communications produces significant money – whether through direct mail letters or an extraordinary donor newsletter. (Donor newsletters done well can even produce more money than a direct mail solicitation letter.)

What’s the secret to spectacular donor communications? Being donor centric. But what does being donor-centric really mean? What does donor-centric writing look like (and sound like, t00)?

Ask Tom Ahern, one of the world’s leading experts in donor-centric communications. His writing raises a ton of money. And Tom has just created a brand new set of DVDs…that completely demystify how to write donor-centered communications.

This set of DVDs can revolutionize your donor communications, develop loyal donors – and just plain raise more money. Get your own Tom Ahern DVD by clicking here, http://www.TomAhernDVD.com

Learn to write with your donors in the center, as the hero. Yes, you will raise more money.


About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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