December 23, 2009

Cece is 6 years old. Annually on Thanksgiving, Cece, mom and dad decide where to make financial gifts. Then they write the checks and mail them.

Cece’s mom says: “I think with kids it’s important for them to see the tangibility of giving, rather than giving online which doesn’t seem real to them.”

Cece picked two animal rescue groups: the one where she got her cat and the one where she got her dog. She drew pictures and wrote notes to go with the gifts.

I’m wondering: Do the two organizations get what just happened? A 6 year old girl decided to give them gifts…gifts of caring and love, expressed in pictures and money. How did they thank her? Will these organizations feature Cece in the newsletter or annual report (let’s call it the gratitude report, from a previous blog)? Do these organizations know how to nurture a relationship and foster loyalty?

Just imagine. Cece is 6 years old. She could be a loyal donor for years and years and years and years. Cece could be the model for a special program for youngsters. Think about the wonderful engagement opportunities. How would you design this program? I’d ask Cece.

So who is your Cece?

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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