August 3, 2018

YES YES YES!!!! CRQs… Cage-rattling questions. 

Anyone who ever reads anything of mine knows how I adore and admire and desperately want LOTS of CRQs.

So here are some CRQs from Cohort 28, the new cohort for the Masters in Philanthropy and Fund Development at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Try asking your donors these questions. Because every donor could be invited to share his/her/their philanthropic story.

  1. Tell me about the path that brought you here today.
  2. What drives you to get up, go to work, and do your best each day.
  3. What is worth fighting for?
  4. Tell me about yourself – share with me your life’s journey.
  5. What are your interests? Passions?
  6. What unique hobbies do you enjoy?
  7. Who are some people who have influed your charitable life?
  8. What is your favorite thing about giving?

About Simone Joyaux

A consultant specializing in fund development, strategic planning, and board development, Simone P. Joyaux works with all types and sizes of nonprofits, speaks at conferences worldwide, and teaches in the graduate program for philanthropy at Saint Mary’s University, MN. Her books, Keep Your Donors and Strategic Fund Development, are standards in the field.

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